Staffshift Free chat Service
/Staffshift - Freedom to chat with us whenever you are free
We have launched our online chat service, you can now chat to us directly via the free chat service on or in the staffshift app.
Simply log in and chat to our compliance staff, in fact we can help you complete your whole registration or renewal of your record online. Chat to us Directly 24/7.
Convenient Communication is Our Priority
We understand how busy things can be. Our live chat services aim to make a difference by providing fast-paced service at your fingertips with no extra hassles.
More reasons to use our Staffshift live chats
Convenient and accessible from your Staffshift mobile application or via
Complete your whole registration or renewal of your record online
Solve your enquiry while you are on the go
No additional rates are required - IT’S FREE
Ask questions and receive immediate answers
Speak directly to our consultants and in real time with no delays
It’s more than just a feature; it’s our way of delivering a bespoke service to you!
We can assist you, if you have difficulties with:
Updating your profile
Inform our bookings team about your availability
Downloading privacy policies or timesheets
Issues relating to payroll
Basic guidance on how to operate our Staffshift mobile application and more.
Did you know updating your profile regularly via Staffshift can expose your profile to more work opportunities.
Have any questions or feedback? Our teams are standing by 24/7 to assist you via the Live Chat Service.